We are writing in response to your second round “Public Consultation on the Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage”.
Universal Suffrage to most Hong Kong citizens consists of three components, which are 1) the right to vote; 2) the right to stand for election; and 3) the right to nominate. The first two are already covered by Basic Law Article 26. It is regrettable that NPCSC's decision on August 31st, 2014 contradicted with the belief of the mass, and placed a lot of restrictions on how the 2017 Chief Executive should be selected.
While we can comprehend NPCSC's decision based on Mainland political need, it is HKSAR Government undeniable duty and responsibility to communicate its citizens' wish to the Mainland Government, which the current Administration has failed to deliver. The January 6th 2015 “Report on the Recent Community and Political Situation in Hong Kong” was particularly disappointing, given a sizeable Hong Kong public has voiced its disagreement via different channels in Q4 2014.
Various local polls continue to show that only half of the population supports the proposed “Pocket First” initiative, while a third to 40% of the population (varied between polls) is strongly against it, especially those with higher education. The proposed method to enter the 2017 race is in fact a step backwards from prior Chief Executive elections, from 12.5% entry with up to 8 candidates down to 51% entry with only 2 to 3 candidates. These "pre-approved" candidates will most likely abide to demands from those parties which back their "nomination" first, such as the PRC Government as well as the 1200 Election Committee, ahead of the wish and well-being of Hong Kong 7 million people.
Given the proposal has no consensus in the community, we would urge the HKSAR Government not to push it through in its current format without major enhancement. This is not an exercise to reach a simple 51% majority. The Government must aim to secure a widely accepted mandate by a significant majority, as Hong Kong's future to a great extent is dependent on the outcome of how its future Chief Executives are being selected.
Civil Renaissance
Email: civilrenaissance@gmail.com
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