莫乃光係 IT 功能組別議員,文中佢話「感覺上大部分人仍然支持成立創科局」,呢句有幾啱我唔知,但 IT 功能組別以其近八萬從業員,卻只得六千餘已登記個人選民來說,作為合資格選民,我哋已經輸咗一著。
其實只要係此 Appendix B內所列學會會員,已經合資格,只欠登記,係咪好多 IT 人唔知自己有一張功能選票? 定係我太老,今時唔同往日,而家入會門檻好高? 希望 IT 人能更熱烈登記及反映意見。
Let me recap in English:
IT colleagues, you can be an IT functional constituency elector. Supposedly, we should have around 80,000 individual electors for the group but currently, we have only around 6,000 registered. Please exercise your rights to speak for Hong Kong.